Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Modern information and communication technologies play a fundamental role in the activities of an organization like BMRW Promotions. We are based in USA .

Our principal activity is to provide a full service entertainment company specializing in Smooth Jazz Entertainment, Concert Promotion, Public Relations and Artist Management..

Our privacy policy covers BMRW Promotions and its Web site:

Disclaimers, “if you find anything in the website that you feel may be violating someone’s copyright laws please contact the owner of the”.

Information that is gathered from visitors may be used as future contact thru emails but will not be sold or given to other website owners.

In common with other websites, log files are stored on the web server saving details such as the visitor’s IP address, browser type, referring page and time of visit.

Our Web site enables you to communicate with other visitors or to post information to be accessed by others. When you do so, other visitors may collect your data.


Cookies may be used to remember visitor preferences when interacting with the website.

Cookies are small digital signature files that are stored by your web browser that allow your preferences to be recorded when visiting the website. Also they may be used to track your return visits to the website.

3rd party advertising companies may also use cookies for tracking purposes.

Where registration is required, the visitor’s email and a username will be stored on the server.

How the Information is used

The information is used to enhance the visitor’s experience when using the website to display personalized content and possibly advertising.

We automatically log personal data by means such as programming or we link information automatically logged by such means with personal data about specific individuals.

Children’s Privacy


We do not knowingly collect personal data from children.

We take specific steps to protect the privacy of children.

We do not provide information about our personal data practices in relation to children on our home page or at those sites on our Web site where we collect personal data.

Confidentiality / Security


We give you the option of using a secure transmission method to send us primary personal data.

We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control.

All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors’ personal data.

We ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to State institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation.

Access to the personal data we may hold about you

You can ask us, by: sending an email to: Companies Websites Address

Whether we are keeping personal data about you, we can provide you with a readable copy of the personal data which we keep about you, – although we may before require proof of your identity -. We will provide the information without any charge.

We allow you to challenge the data that we hold about you and, where appropriate, you may have the data: erased, rectified or amended, completed

We reserve the right to refuse to provide our visitors with a copy of their personal data, but will give reasons for our refusal.

We do, however, allow you to challenge our decision to refuse to provide you with a copy of your personal data.

Privacy Compliance

There are no national laws or self-regulatory schemes applicable to our web site or organization.

Our privacy policy is not consistent with any applicable global or regional regulatory or self-regulatory privacy instruments.

In order to demonstrate that our privacy policy accords with the above privacy instruments, we are:

voluntarily committed to a Self Assessment procedure

voluntarily committed to a Third Party Organization certification

subject to a Government Agency supervision

subject to an Independent Data Protection Authority supervision



E-mail addresses will not be sold, rented or leased to 3rd parties. Your email will be obtained upon signing into the website or sending information thru the contact form but will not be sold or distributed to any other websites for promotional use. However, your email will be used for future contact purposes within this website.

E-mail may be sent to inform you of news of our services or offers by us or our affiliates.

Visitor Options

If you have subscribed to one of our services, you may unsubscribe by following the instructions which are included in e-mail that you receive.

You may be able to block cookies via your browser settings but this may prevent you from access to certain features of the website.

Google Ads

Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads.

Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to visitors based on their visit to sites they visit on the Internet.

Website visitors may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

If you have an enquiry or concern about our privacy policy, please contact.

Gretta Brown –Web Designer – IT Department- [email protected]

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